Monday, May 9, 2011

I'm Gonna Go For It

So, I've been toying with the idea of joining Chandler's 30-day blog challenge pretty much since he started it, but was daunted by a couple of days (especially the first one, thus the reason I never started). So, I sat down yesterday to see if I could come up with 15 random facts and they sort of just flowed, so I'm actually going to do this.

Chandler's Awesome 30-Day Blog Challenge

Day 0-Post Challenge and explain why you’re doing it.

Day 1- A recent picture of yourself and 15th facts (random or whatever) about you

Day 2- Favorite Foods

Day 3- Favorite Drinks

Day 4- Favorite musicians/bands/songs

Day 5- What TV Shows are you into? What do you like about them?

Day 6- Some of your favorite movies.

Day 7- Celebrity Crush

Day 8- Favorite Game(s) (Board, Card, Video, etc)

Day 9- Something you will never grow tired of

Day 10- Any meaning behind your blog name? If not, why did you start blogging?

Day 11- A picture of what animal you’d like to have as a pet and why.

Day 12- What an average day looks like

Day 13- Your idea of a good outing

Day 14- What do you like to read?

Day 15- What did you want to be when you grew up at age 8? Now?

Day 16- You are granted 3 wishes by an all-powerful genie. What do you wish for?

Day 17- Something about the world that annoys you.

Day 18- Something about the world that makes you happy.

Day 19- If you could live anywhere, where would you live?

Day 20- A Current Event that’s interesting to you and your opinion on it.

Day 21- What’s commonly found in your backpack/purse/pockets?

Day 22- What are you passionate about?

Day 23- What do you know a lot about?

Day 24- Tell us about someone who has impacted your life in a significant way

Day 25- Tell us about someone who has taught you some good lessons.

Day 26- Write a letter to someone who has hurt you recently.

Day 27- What comes easy to you?

Day 28- What’s difficult for you?

Day 29- Explain, the best you can, the way you see the world (Worldview)

Day 30- Summarize the experience of this 30-day Blog Challenge. How did you change/grow/stay the same?

Really, I'm mostly doing it because I think it sounds fun. I have very little desire to be a consistent blogger and very much like just blogging when I feel like I have something meaningful to say. So, I'm going to do this challenge because I think it sounds fun.

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