Monday, May 30, 2011
Day 20: Current Events
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Day 19: A New Home
Friday, May 27, 2011
Day 18: Joys
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Day 17: Annoyances
- "Could care less." If you could care less, why bother saying anything? It's like trying to say the water's too cold and instead saying "it could be colder." Or trying to say you really want something and instead saying "I could want it more." Or trying to say that you don't care about something at all and instead saying it would be possible to care less (which, if I'm not mistaken, is actually the case).
- Lie vs. lay. Lay requires a direct object. Lie does not. It's quite simple. If you don't know what a direct object is, imagine the actual thing of which you're speaking in your bed and see if it works. "I am (lying/laying) on the bed." I should be in bed, so it's "lying!". "The hen is (lying/laying) eggs." I'd really rather not go to bed if there are eggs in process of being laid. "Let me (lie/lay) these groceries on the counter." If you leave the groceries in bed, they'll spoil. Bad idea. "Let me (lay/lie) down and rest for a minute." I suppose you can rest anywhere. The floor; your car; inside a dryer*. But truthfully, the best place to lie down and rest is your bed. Which is where I should be. All right, perhaps it doesn't work in every situation. So you should probably ignore my advice and just figure out what a direct object is. But it was a fun ride, no?
- Unknown past participles. "Swum," "drunk," and "woken" are actually really terrible. I'm not going to argue that. But especially the misuse (or lack of use) of "woken" really bothers me. If it hurts you that much to say such an ugly (yet correct) word, just say "awakened." Yes, you sound pretentious. But those are really your only two options. (Unless, of course, you restructure the whole sentence and just take responsibility for the time you awoke and say, "I had gotten out of bed at..." Or you could go with "roused." I think I much prefer that option to any of the aforementioned. One of my friends (to be left unnamed) who has impeccable grammar the majority of the time consistently uses "ran" as the past participle of "to run." It bothers me every time.
- The "I" vs. "Me" debate. I'm so over "I" being used as the object of sentences because so many of us have heard the correction, "Sammy and I want to grow up to be fat and lazy." Really, it's not correct in all situations. If it's the object of a sentence, it's "me". Unless of course, it comes with an unstated conjugation of "to be," most often following a comparison with "than" (e.g., "Cara is far more noxious than I [am]," or "Though Patrick may have well-defined abs, Theodore's noble chin makes him far more attractive than he [is]." Though the latter comes with its own pet peeve....).
- Poorly constructed sentences that leave the listener/reader unclear to what the modifier refers. "Eli bought a cat but then he got hit by a car." The cat or Eli? Should I be panicked or elated? (There's a lot of cat-hating going on in this post; I apologize. I don't hate cats. Specifically. I'm more of an equal-opportunity animal critic.) "Joe went to buy a car, but before he decided to spend the money, he wanted to buy a cup of coffee and a scone, but then he decided it was too expensive." The coffee? The scone? The car? If he thought the scone was too expensive, what business did he have going to buy a car? Or perhaps that was the problem. He was spending so much on a car, he couldn't bear to spend $8 at Starbuck's. But we'll never know will we? (I don't even know and I wrote it.)
- Questions that aren't really questions. "Jim and I were wondering if you and Kate would like to come over for dinner Saturday night." If I were having a bad day**, I might not respond at all to this, honestly. I am that snarky. It doesn't beg a response. In fact, it begs a non-response. If I'm in a bad mood, Jim and Shelley will continue to wonder if Kate and I would like to come to dinner because they have yet to ask. But probably only if it was a really bad day and I didn't particularly care for Jim and Shelley.
- Saying "do you want" instead of "will you please." My answer will almost always be "no" to the former if I feel like it should have been phrased as the latter. Luckily for me and everyone around me, I've learned to keep this gut-response "no" inside my head and respond as a decent human being.
Day 16: Three Wishes
Day 15: The Future
Monday, May 23, 2011
Day 14: Literature
- Anne of Green Gables
- Elsie Dinsmore
- Chronicles of Narnia
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Day 13: A Day Out
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Day 12: An Average Day
Friday, May 20, 2011
Day 11: My Dream Pet

A pygmy hedgehog. An illegal-in-California pygmy hedgehog. They have soft bellies, apparently. And they are absolutely, heart-melting adorable.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Day 10: My Name
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Day 9: Conversation
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Day 8: Games
Monday, May 16, 2011
Day 7: Celebrity Crush

Sunday, May 15, 2011
Day 6: Film
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Day 5: Channel Surfing
- Chuck
- Psych
- How I Met Your Mother
I watch Criminal Minds from time to time, but the Chinese website I was watching it on got slow and complicated and missed the eighth episode of the current season and I haven't really been able to catch up since.
As far as syndicated or DVD-ed shows, I pretty much stick with detective shows with a bit of humor (probably the reason I like both Chuck and Psych). Scarecrow and Mrs. King, Remington Steele, and Moonlighting all fall into those categories.
Mostly, I just like character development. I like long-running shows where you get to know the characters (like ER . . . at least, the first 8 or so seasons) and they have inside jokes within the show you only get if you've been watching since the beginning (e.g., Monica and Ross's fake flip-off, Slapbets, or pineapples). Of course, I like the opportunity of romance between characters. But it really has to either be super thought-provoking (like Criminal Minds) or have some amount of humor to catch my attention for any period of time.
I like Chuck because of the strong relationships between Chuck and his family (including Morgan) and later on, between Casey, Sarah, and Chuck. I like Psych because of the long-term friendship between Gus and Shawn. Come to think of it, How I Met Your Mother, Friends, and Will & Grace are also shows I've enjoyed based on long-term friendships. Maybe I'm drawn to shows about groups of people that have been together for a long time (at least, parts of them).
Maybe studying my TV-watching habits is far more insightful than I expected or really wanted it to be.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Day 4: Música
- Technical skill
- Musical simplicity
- Lyrical complexity
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Day 3: Thirsty?
Smart Water is my go-to hydration drink. I discovered this at last Equip when I had to be outside in the heat and singing for hours without the option of a bathroom break. Smart Water hydrated me without over-fluid-ing me.
Vanilla lattes are my coffee shop drink of choice. It's the first thing I ever ordered at a Starbuck's and I've had very little reason to deviate since then (though I haven't had one from Starbuck's in forever).
I truly enjoy a good cup of a tea. If it's late at night, bed time tea or peppermint is ideal, but I prefer Twining's Vanilla Black Tea. This tea has a very special story for me. I had it once at a friend's house and fell in love with it, but she'd received it as a gift and didn't know where to purchase it. So I went to every grocery store within like a twenty-mile radius over a couple weeks and found that nobody sold it--not even World Market. So I went online and found it in six-pack boxes (as in, six normal-size boxes of tea to a package) on Amazon and bought a package. It shipped from England. I ran out in December and my mom bought me more for a Christmas present, but Amazon didn't sell it anymore. Somehow (I don't know how), she found some. It ships from Singapore. I don't really care where it comes from as long as I get to drink it forever.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Day 2: Lunch
- Meat. I love meat. Mostly beef. Especially bacon (which I realize is not beef). Hardly a day goes by where I don't have something with bacon in it. Poultry doesn't count unless I'm desperate. Chicken can slide if, as I said, I'm feeling lazy.
- Bread. Particularly of the garlic variety. I'm especially partial to sourdough, though homemade anything pretty much trumps store-bought bread.
- Vegetables. I actually love vegetables. Asparagus, lima beans, and brussels sprouts are honestly some of my favorite foods.
- Dessert. Baked goods. In any form. Cookies, cake, pie, cupcakes . . . I love them all.
- A good cheeseburger (especially In-N-Out) will probably trump everything.
- I recently discovered that if there is an infinite supply of rice krispies treats, I will continue to eat them until I feel sick. Or until they're gone. Whichever comes first. (Not that I've ever had an infinite supply. I think I had 3 once. And if there was an infinite supply, I would definitely get sick first because they would never be gone. )
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Day 1: 15 Truths and No Lies
15 facts
- 1. I have MANY grammar pet peeves, the top two being: "of" instead of "have" (as in, "I should of...") and "I could care less."
- 2. I'm a little bit of an armadillo.
- 3. Ok, I'm a lot of an armadillo. I used to be a porcupine, but God's been faithful to keep me growing. Hopefully in the future at some point I'll be something cuddly and soft. Like a puppy.
- 4. My biggest driving pet peeve is people braking before using their turn signals...if they use them at all.
- 5. Speaking of driving, I can't hear emergency vehicles (specifically fire trucks) when I'm driving because I live so close to a fire station, it's white noise to me.
- 6. I begged my mom to let us play Sims for over a decade and eventually went in with my sister to buy it when we were adults. After our PC crashed a few months later, we bought it for our Macs. Only a few months after that, I realized it wasn't all that fun and I really can't play it for more than 10 minutes or so without getting bored.
- 7. I much prefer TV over movies. I like the character development potential in the time of a series, whereas right about the time you start to love characters in a movie, the movie's over.
- 8. I'm not a big fan of fantasy. Sci-fi can get me occasionally with cool gadgets, but otherwise, I think real life is so interesting, I'd rather stick with human characters in real places.
- 9. I consistently misspell "occasionally" "ocassionally," then "occassionally," then, finally, spell it right.
- 10. I always thought "ridiculous" was spelled "rediculous" until Chander pointed it out to me in a FaceBook chat one day.
- 11. I really, really like to read nonfiction, but find it hard to sit down and actually do it.
- 12. A discipleship group Mike started last fall genuinely changed my life.
- 13. I truly, honestly spend most of my music-listening time listening to worship because I'm a musical sponge and will sing whatever I hear, regardless of whether or not I'm paying attention and I'd prefer to spend more of my time dwelling on Jesus than on other things.
- 14. I slightly begrudge the fact that my name was the third most popular name for girls the year I was born, while my parents invented my sister's name.
- 15. I have two girl dogs with boy names.
Monday, May 9, 2011
I'm Gonna Go For It
Chandler's Awesome 30-Day Blog Challenge
Day 0-Post Challenge and explain why you’re doing it.
Day 1- A recent picture of yourself and 15th facts (random or whatever) about you
Day 2- Favorite Foods
Day 3- Favorite Drinks
Day 4- Favorite musicians/bands/songs
Day 5- What TV Shows are you into? What do you like about them?
Day 6- Some of your favorite movies.
Day 7- Celebrity Crush
Day 8- Favorite Game(s) (Board, Card, Video, etc)
Day 9- Something you will never grow tired of
Day 10- Any meaning behind your blog name? If not, why did you start blogging?
Day 11- A picture of what animal you’d like to have as a pet and why.
Day 12- What an average day looks like
Day 13- Your idea of a good outing
Day 14- What do you like to read?
Day 15- What did you want to be when you grew up at age 8? Now?
Day 16- You are granted 3 wishes by an all-powerful genie. What do you wish for?
Day 17- Something about the world that annoys you.
Day 18- Something about the world that makes you happy.
Day 19- If you could live anywhere, where would you live?
Day 20- A Current Event that’s interesting to you and your opinion on it.
Day 21- What’s commonly found in your backpack/purse/pockets?
Day 22- What are you passionate about?
Day 23- What do you know a lot about?
Day 24- Tell us about someone who has impacted your life in a significant way
Day 25- Tell us about someone who has taught you some good lessons.
Day 26- Write a letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
Day 27- What comes easy to you?
Day 28- What’s difficult for you?
Day 29- Explain, the best you can, the way you see the world (Worldview)
Day 30- Summarize the experience of this 30-day Blog Challenge. How did you change/grow/stay the same?
Really, I'm mostly doing it because I think it sounds fun. I have very little desire to be a consistent blogger and very much like just blogging when I feel like I have something meaningful to say. So, I'm going to do this challenge because I think it sounds fun.